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Exporting countries



Quality and origin

Allemagne - Belgique - Espagne - Guadeloupe - Israël - Italie - Martinique - République Tchèque - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon

Contact :
ZI de Lannugat
Tel :

The COBRECO was founded in 1896. The current structure is the result of a merger between two famous canneries Douarnenez. Jacq (founded in 1897) and Gourlaouen (created in 1937). Today tuna, nuts Saint-Jacques and molluscs for drinks are distributed (95% in supermarkets and 5% in the circuits of RHD) under the Arok and Jacq brands.

Fruits et légumes frais
Allemagne - Belgique - Espagne - Italie - Pays-Bas

Contact :
3040 Route de Banon
Tel :

Specializing in the industry wholesale (intercompany trade) of fruits and vegetables.

Viande de boucherie (fraîche et congelée)
Belgique - Espagne

Contact :
Zone Industrielle DE RESTAVY
56240 PLOUAY
Tel :

Artisanal Delicatessen Pig Coat Ecuff elaborate in its own laboratory all its products in the traditional way with salt, pepper and herbs. No preservatives are used or dyes.

Conseils/Services - Équipements agro-industriels - Produits pour sols et cultures

Contact :
23, avenue d'Iéna
75116 PARIS
Tel : 620057394

Consortium of French companies, suppliers of equipment and services to the sugar industry, cane or beets at all stages of manufacture Representation of the French technology in the fields of sugar, ethanol and related activities. - Consortium of twenty SMEs working in the field of sugar (cane and beet), and are present at all stages of the sugar process but also upstream on the agricultural aspects (beet seeds, sugar cane varieties , agricultural machinery, diggers, ...) and downstream storage. - These are also service companies, engineering and studies that can accompany all projects, agronomic, economic or technical.

Autres produits alimentaires
Espagne - Italie

Contact :
Port de Larros
Tel :

CODIMER Sarl, located in Gujan-Mestras (Port Larros) on the Bassin d'Arcachon, was formed on 1 January 1988, Continuity TOURNESSI Establishments tenant is manager of the goodwill established in 1982. It is headed by Mrs. Marie Annette TOURNESSI, Manager, seconded by Mr. Jean Claude TOURNESSI Joint Manager, responsible for logistics transportation and intra-community relations, {Acquisitions, shipments) CODIMER reinforced purification station approved under EEC! F33.199.171 in ° (+ 20 permanent strong seasonal), specializes in the trade of shellfish (mainly mussels) originating in the French fishing deposits, but also various UNECE member States. (United Kingdom, Ireland, Space, Italy, etc ...)

Préparations et conserves de fruits - Préparations et conserves de légumes et pommes de terre

Contact :
12-14, Avenue François Sommer
Tel :

Import export distribution of food products (specialization: canned fruit, vegetables, seafood, juice, heart of palm, rice pudding, vine leaves, grapefruit segments, pineapple, pizza sauce, asparagus, corn corn.


Contact :
55, rue Saint-Cléophas
Tel : 467150592

The Escaia is a trade school to train future managers of cooperation, the food industry by providing advanced skills in marketing and management. Services: Research, training, engineering, support, coaching and methodological support.

Cofranex International
Apéritifs/Spiritueux - Autres - Autres produits alimentaires - Autres vins tranquilles - Beurres et dérivés ' oeufs - Biscotterie, panification, céréales - Biscuiterie sucrée, viennoiserie, pâtisserie - Boissons alcoolisées (autres que le vin) - Boissons non alcoolisées - Chocolaterie, confiserie, confiture, miel - Fromages - Fruits et légumes frais - Lait et crème - Pâtes, riz - Plats cuisinés (frais, surgelés ou en conserves) - Poissons frais - Préparations et conserves de fruits - Préparations et conserves de légumes et pommes de terre - Préparations et conserves de poissons, crustacés, mollusques - Préparations et conserves de viande charcuterie ' salaisons - Produits apéritifs (biscuits et graines salées) - Produits d'épicerie fine - Produits diététiques, aliments pour l'enfance - Produits laitiers ultrafrais - Sauces, potages, condiments, épices - Surgelés et glaces - VDN/VDL (Vins Doux Naturels/Vins De Liqueur) - Viande de boucherie (fraîche et congelée) - Viande de volaille (fraîche, congelée), oeufs, gibier - Vins effervescents - Vins tranquilles d'appellation
Afghanistan - Afrique du Sud - Albanie - Algérie - Allemagne - Andorre - Angola - Anguilla - Antilles - Arabie Saoudite - Argentine - Arménie - Australie - Autriche - Azerbaïdjan - Bahamas - Bahreïn - Bangladesh - Barbade - Belgique - Belize - Bénin - Bermudes - Bhoutan - Biélorussie - Bolivie - Bosnie-Herzégovine - Botswana - Brésil - Brunei - Bulgarie - Burkina Faso - Burundi - Cambodge - Cameroun - Canada - Cap-Vert - Caraïbes - Centrafrique - Chili - Chine - Chypre - Colombie - Comores - Congo - Corée du Nord - Corée du Sud - Costa Rica - Côte d'Ivoire - Croatie - Cuba - Curacao - Danemark - Djibouti - Ecosse - Égypte - Émirats Arabes Unis - Équateur - Érythrée - Espagne - Estonie - Etats-Unis - Éthiopie - Fidji - Finlande - France - Gabon - Gambie - Géorgie - Ghana - Grèce - Groenland - Guadeloupe - Guatemala - Guinée - Guinée équatoriale - Guinée-Bissau - Guyana - Guyane - Haïti - Honduras - Hong Kong - Hongrie - Ile de Guernesey - Ile Maurice - Iles Anglos Normandes - Iles Caiman - Iles Canaries - Iles Dominique - Iles Néerlandaises - Iles Salomon - Iles Vierges - Inde - Indonésie - Irak - Iran - Irlande - Islande - Israël - Italie - Jamaique - Japon - Jordanie - Kazakhstan - Kenya - Kirghizistan - Kiribati - Koweït - Laos - Lesotho - Lettonie - Liban - Libéria - Libye - Liechtenstein - Lituanie - Luxembourg - Macao - Macédoine - Madagascar - Malaisie - Malawi - Maldives - Mali - Malte - Maroc - Marshall - Martinique - Maurice - Mauritanie - Mayotte - Mexique - Micronésie - Moldavie - Monaco - Mongolie - Monténégro - Mozambique - Myanmar - Namibie - Nauru - Népal - Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria - Norvège - Nouvelle Calédonie - Nouvelle-Zélande - Oman - Ouganda - Ouzbékistan - Pakistan - Palaos - Palestine - Panama - Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée - Paraguay - Pays-Bas - Pérou - Philippines - Pologne - Polynésie française - Porto Rico - Portugal - Qatar - Québec - République Dominicaine - République Tchèque - Réunion - Roumanie - Royaume-Uni - Russie - Rwanda - Saint Barthélémy - Saint Lucie - Saint Martin - Saint-Marin - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon - Salvador - Samoa - São Tomé-et-Principe - Sénégal - Serbie - Seychelles - Sierra Leone - Singapour - Slovaquie - Slovénie - Somalie - Soudan - Sri Lanka - Suède - Suisse - Suriname - Swaziland - Syrie - Tadjikistan - Tahiti - Taiwan - Tanzanie - Tchad - Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises - Thaïlande - Timor Leste - Togo - Tonga - Trinité-et-Tobago - Tunisie - Turkménistan - Turquie - Tuvalu - Ukraine - Uruguay - Vanuatu - Vatican - Venezuela - Vietnam - Wallis et Futuna - Yémen - Zambie - Zimbabwe

Contact :
102 avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
Tel : 134861532

Cofranex International is a French company spéée in the distribution of food and non-food quality at the best price. Through a range of over 6000 references dry goods (groceries, liquids, DPH and non-food), fresh, and frozen fruits and vegetables, we offer our customers all the French taste for the best price. We distribute and cater distributors, wholesalers, manufacturers and Spees stores around the world. Do not hesitate to get closer to us so we can send you our product catalogs, and together assess the product lines are most relevant to your customers.

Fruits et légumes frais
Allemagne - Belgique - Danemark - Espagne - Irlande - Luxembourg - Norvège - Pays-Bas - Royaume-Uni - Russie - Suède - Suisse

Contact :
286 Rte de St Nazaire de Pezan
34400 ST JUST
Tel :

Cofruid'Oc, Cooperative since 1962, packages and sells apples, asparagus, pears, apricots and plums, its members located on St Just regions of the Camargue, the Rhone Valley and the Alps. Present on all national markets, Cofruid'Oc exports 69% of its production to the EU countries (Germany, UK, Benelux ...) the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Cofruid'Oc through its signature "Cofruid'Oc: Producers real treat" highlights the quality of its products.

Allemagne - Canada - Danemark - Estonie - Etats-Unis - Finlande - Italie - Lituanie - Norvège - Royaume-Uni - Russie - Slovaquie - Suède - Suisse

Contact :
Domaine de Chez Maillard
16440 CLAIX
Tel :

Going against the current, the ABK6 areas maintain the belief that putting brandy from a local exception to Cognac a typical and inimitable force. The ABK6 areas consist of 250 ACRES vineyards located on tops of limestone hills, producing an exceptional wine distillation that gives the water spirits a great aging potential. This is the key to availability and taste stability over the long term. Each step of the production process is completed the field by a team of the highest order where everyone puts in his daily actions skill, attention and love needed to extract the fruit of our land.